12-15-2010, 02:01 PM

Written by nutritionist Carina Norris of Channel 4's Turn Back Your Body Clock, the guide explains the principles of good nutrition and how to achieve them in the 21st century - even when time and money are short.
The book takes a positive approach to healthy eating, encouraging readers to look at the benefits of a balanced diet and offering simple, practical steps to improve nutrition for the whole family.
The Healthy Eating guide, now published in paperback, includes:
*Body fuel - the nutrients we need and why
*The nuts and bolts of a healthy diet - the food we should eat
*Key nutritional 'must haves' for different life stages
*Food and health
*Practical ways to eat a healthy diet including meal ideas and healthy eating when you're out and about
Norris also discloses why we put on weight and how to lose it as well as explaining cravings and how to snack healthily.
With information on all types of food intolerances, allergies, weight issues, age-related food consideration, the book provides an easy to follow guide for all ages, from children to the elderly.
The Author
Carina Norris is a registered nutritionist, author and journalist and is regularly called on for TV and radio interviews when nutrition is in the news. She is also involved nutritional research and has just completed her PhD on children's nutrition.